The latest feature helps you print your Family Tree after designing it,
Are you interested in knowing your family history, where your great grandparents came from, what their tribe or race was, what their professions were and much more? Family history seems elusive these days as parents and elders no longer relay this important information to their children and grandchildren. This has also been exacerbated by a surge in urbanisation and gradual decay of the extended family concept. Few families document family history and a sizable number of the young generation do not know beyond their grandfathers.
It is therefore important to record this information in a way that will make it easier and convenient for future and current generations to access . This is the main focus of, a website that helps Zimbabweans to document and preserve their family history for centuries to come. Registered members can easily construct their family trees and send links to relatives and friends. The platform also provides an opportunity for prolific history writers to showcase their talents and write about history of places, names, great people, country etc.
To construct your family tree, simply follow the steps below:
- Open and click on register or login if you already have an account- try to complete all or the most important details.
- After registering, log in and click on “Lineage” tab and click on the node (box) with your name (the border will turn blue).
- Add family members from your parents up to the last known grand father and down to your children using the “Add Parent,Sibling,Child” buttons.
- Click on “Save” button after adding the family members.
- After saving, click on “Details” and you will see suggested relatives who you share surname or totem with.
- Go to homepage and search your surname, totem, chief, town or village.
- Click on the Surname and you can view the Tree and there is an option to Print.
Want to know the origins of the nzou totem and their differences
One great idea, I salute.