Tracing Mberengwa tribes roots

Mberengwa district was previously known as Belingwe and it is located in Midlands province of Zimbabwe. The district is now split into : Mberengwa North, East, West and South. Its boundaries stretch to Gwanda in Mberengwa West, Zvishavane on the northern side, with Neshuro and Chikombedzi on the southern part and then Manyuchi dam. Some of the chiefs and headmen in the district(s) include; Negobe, Mataga, Ngungumbane, Chingoma, Mketi, Mposi, Mapirabana, Bankwe, Chizungu, Mazwiwofa, Mataruse, Bvute, Nyamondo, Mudavanhu, Mtubayedzi and Mahlebadza. Below the chiefs are headmen or Vachinda who assist the chiefs in governance.


These are VaRozvi by tribe, of Moyo totem and Zariro as chidau. Some of the villages in the chiefdom include; Zibulawa, Mbizo, Lazaro, Mahole, Sosake, Zamase and Matiku among others. Other subdivisions include; Chavengwa, Madoba I, Gweru, Mashavakure (Madoba II), Makado, and Zibulawa (chief’s dunhu). All the vachindas in Negobe chiefdom are related to the chief except Madoba II .

Boundaries – On the northern side, they are bound by Mataruse on the Mwero river, and along the hills, Mahombe and Mafute, to the confluence of the Mwero and Chingwezi rivers; to the west and south the boundary is the Chingwezi river; to the east is Pioneer road from Chingwezi river to Lundi river; then along the Lundi river to its confluence with Mwero river.

Chavengwa (Chiwara) Community – Muchinda under Negobe. They are also of Moyo totem and Zariro as their chidau with Karanga as their language. It is said that Chiwara was the elder brother of Chikovo, the first chief to be recognised by the Government. Chikovo gave his brother the position of Muchinda which has endured to this day. Some of the movements into the area include; Musiwo kraal from Chibi, Juta from Gwanda and Mudayeli from Zimuto. Chiwara was the first followed by Pasipanodya, then Madube to Chavengwa as the fourth to assume to reigns. Some of the kraals in the area include(d); Mashereni, Chabengwa, Madayire Mahada, Musiiwa, Dzibakwi, Tizirai, Birima, Kwangware, Muvumbwa, Mahachi, Chiwuta, Gwaendepi, Chemhere, Juta and Gwenhamo among others. Chavengwa lost four kraals to Mlingo and these were; Matungira, Shonhiwa, Njobo and Bandirayi.

Madobi I – The area is known as Zvovushe. These are also of the Moyo Zariro clan and the first Muchinda was appointed in 1940 by Chief Negobe (Chimanyiwa). Zvovushe was the first muchinda and he took over a portion of Makado’s area. Some of the kraals in the area include; Madopa, Mutata, Chinoda, Hotito, Shangwa, Muwendo, Matanda, Sikwabu, Mbwende, Hlupayi, Mhlambi, Milila, Msindo, Fani, Mativenga, Takawira, Mugwangu, Haurovi, Tapera, Zimunhu, Ranganai, Nduba, Doka and Mabulala.

Gweru (Mhlahleri) community – They are also Moyos of the Zariro chidau. Gweru was appointed muchinda in 1947 when Ziburawa, his brother became chief. A number of Mataruse kraals moved into Gweru area and settled on the boundary. Some of the kraals in the community include(d); Jaya, Chipunge, Dzviti, Tachiwona, Mgweru, Nirirayi, Joni Nyoni, Vurayayi, Sifakubi, Deli, Mapolisa and Hlayise. Other kraals in the boundary but ruled by other community jurisdiction included; Mudara, Masaga, Munenga, Gezani, Mandebele and Gwabuya.

Makado Community – Also appointed by Chief Negobe and are of the same Moyo Zariro totem. Makado was the first and was succeeded by Mike and then Kwashirayi as the third. Makado was the younger brother (cousin) of Chikovo, the first Government recognised chief. Chikovo was living at Nenga hill and he appointed Makado to rule this area.  The area once included Madoba I, who later was appointed and took almost half of the area. Some of the kraals in the community include; Ndoro, Vengesai, Makaranga, Mafika, Tachiona, Maburawa, Mhlauli, Vunganayi, Tito, Chitambire, Matongo and Magodi (Chiungwane). Magodi went to Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) and the kraalhead is now Chiungwane.

Mlingo (Mushobe) Community – Are also VaRozvi of the Moyo Zariro totem. This headman was abolished when Madidi was at the helm. When Zibulawa was appointed chief, he re-appointed Mlingo the son and four kraals from Chavengwa were added to this dunhu. Some of the kraals in the community were: Matungira, Shereni, Chikomo, Mbulawa, Njobo, Benganayi, Pararayi, Shonhiwa, Bandira, Mlingo and Matule.

Mashavakure community – These are VaRemba by tribe with Zhou as totem and Matebere chidau. These settled in this area during the reign of Chikovo (Negobe III), they are relatively a small group with Mapiyi and Nikisi being some of the kraals.


These are VaRozvi of the Moyo Sayi/Zariro totem with ChiKaranga as their main lingua. This was initially a chief but was later demoted to headman in 1952. Their first chief was appointed around 1934. The succession matrix included the following: Nemakaso, Chitumbo, Chiparara, Mtsungiri, Muwariri (Nyamondo), Singarambwe, Zidhla Mtsungiri, , Chapungu, Dambisi, Chingurumbwe and Mpinga among others.

The tribe claims to have come from Mavondo which is thought to be beyond Enkeldoorn (Chivhu). There were no people in the area though they do not claim to be the first occupants of the district. They say Negobe came after them and they gave him settling rights. They also claim they are not related even though they share the same totem. Some movements included Chief Ngungumbane and his people were moved into this area.

Villages in Nyamondo’s area include; Mpinga, Majoni, Damori, Taruvinga, Mtedi, Makurutsu, Mabude, Bawu, Matoro, Hlomayi, Matshobana, Mataba, Nyika, Juta and Sipono among others. Some of the Machindas under Nyamondo include; Magenga of Moyo Sayi totem, Chiramiwa also of Moyo Sayi totem, Ronderayi (Moyo, Zariro), Shopera (Moyo Sayi), Mazvigadza (Moyo, Sayi), Garinyama and Gore, all of Moyo Sayi totem.


These are Batonga by tribe of the Gomo totem with Kurebwa as chidau. They use ChiKaranga language and their area is called Mataga or Gorongwe. Basis of succession is collateral, they do not have a Svikiro that assists them in the selection, neither do they have a mugadza. It is said that Mataga 1 (One) was also known as Tibenge. Maodzeka the elder brother of Gwatimba succeeded Machivenyika, and not Mukuru who they maintain only ruled on an acting basis. Succession is shared by the two main houses of Mabojeka and Machivenyika.  The actual origins of the tribe is not clear and whether there is a link with northern or eastern Zimbabwe Tongas.

Some of the villages in the chiefdom include; Mataga (Chief’s dunhu), Mwisayi, Msiyaga, Chipedza, Ofana, Hlangu, Msariri, Mahembe, Mangaba, Mazo, Mgibisa, Mandiyeredza, Mlahleki, Tagwireyi, Tapasi, Songe, Chigwisa, Mdhliwa and Fani among others. As for the boundaries; they are bound by Makonese and Mataruse along the Gwehange and Sihande rivers; to the east with Nyamondo on the Matedzi river and along the Mwezha range of hills. To the south and west with chief Chingoma on the Munde river.

All his Vachinda are of the same clan and totem. These include; Mwisayi (Gomo, Kurebwa) and Msiyago. Villages in Mwisayi area include; Masvimbo, Mapfumo, Mapiye, Hlabano, Dangaiso, Mwisayi, Tengereyi, Bafana, Malomo, Vengayi, Sidumo, Manondo and Tarubona. In Msiyago’s area, some of the kraals are; Msiyago, Tarubona, Zhira, Majoni, Office, Ruriza, Chikabura, Silaseni, Fumo, Diba, Zizondo, Madubeko, Mbayago, Chinga, Nomba, Magama, Ndabakuwa, Gwanyanya, Runesu, Majoni II, Bulanda, Tafireyi, Majalimani, Jacob, Hlotshana, Nxoli,  Runoza and Vushe.


These are Ndebele by tribe, with Mkwananzi as totem and Gagiza praise name. Chief Ngungubane and his people were moved from Willoughby’s Ranch in the Essexvale (Esigodini) district in 1929. They were moved into chief Nyamondo’s area after the necessary formalities of paying tribute were complied with . These payments to Nyamondo now gave Ngungubane owenership to his present land in terms of native custom. The history of Ngungubane and his Mlisa Mzambezi is so interwoven, and can be handled as one.

Hlalani was the headman before Mzambezi, but he was not of the same family. It is evident that Hlalani was a mlisa in Esigodini and it is believed that he had his own area. When Ngungubane’s father died, he, the heir was still very young and Hlalani was asked to assist him and be his right hand man. The father of Mzambezi was very old and lame and he could not hold the office . Mzambezi was also very young when his father died so Hlalani assumed leadership till his death and then Mzambezi took over. The house of Hlalani today are mlisas together with Tele and Hlukano.

Some of the kraals under Mzambezi include; Mzambezi, Kuipa, Nyama, Vala and Yobe. Under Tele, there are; Tele, Ngutshela, Taruberekera, Mangara and under Sikaale were; Lugege (Sikali), Munyamana, Bonjenge, (Mdhilwa), Mzanyana Obedi and Mchiyuwa. Finally under Lukano, the kraals include; Hlungwana, Marufu, Mvudhla, Madoyi and Mbayimbayi.


These are Varomwe by tribe with Dziva totem and Mabire as chidau. They use Chikaranga as their lingua. The tribe traces their origin back to Romwe, a hill near Triangle Sugar Estate. They were associated with the Shangana of Portuguese East Africa (Mozambique). Masarirefu was the first official chief.

The chief’s area is subdivided into matunhu with each being headed by muchinda or headman who directly reports to the chief with the exception of Mapolisa. Some of the villages under the chief include; Muzondiwa, Navana, Tube, Tagwireyi, Sipika, Noyi, Mazhambe, Kondombera, Mnyenkera, Mabayi and Sibangwa among others.

Boundaries – To the east they are bound by Chief Mataga and Nyamondo along the Munde river; to the south with Mwenezi on the Mwenezi river. To the north with chief Mposi and there has been some dispute over this country – Chingoma claims that his traditional territory includes the Mwezha range of hills and that he used to reach as far north as the Korokwe river. The official boundary is recognised as the main Mwezha range, including Masocha kraal.

Headmen/Machinda under Chingoma include; Makwerere (Mamhutse), Dunda, Mapolisa (Moyo Sayi), Rapwi (Dziva Mabire), Magwaza (Dziva, Mabire), Mutonga (Dziva, Mabire), Taruvinga (Dziva, Ziroro), Togara (Dziva, Mabire) and Chivundu (Dziva, Mabire).


These are Vapfumbi by tribe, with Ngwenya totem and praise name Ruvimbi. Their main language is ChiKaranga. His subjects call him Vashe. Their succession is collateral and they have no svikiro (spirit medium), neither do they have mugadza to assist them in selection. The tribe claims to have come from Maranda area (Mwenezi district) where they lived well before Mzilikazi came. Between the period of European occupation and World War I, “Mapalala” was Native Commissioner at Belingwe (Mberengwa) and Macheto was the chief of Bapfumbi people in Maranda. Mketi’s people were then moved out of Maranda across the Nuanetsi (Mwenezi) river, and into their present area in Mberengwa. The reason for the move was not clear, those who remained paid tax at Chief Chibi and Mketi’s people settled under Belingwe (Mberengwa). A new chief (Mketi) was selected for these Belingwe people.

Their tribal ancestor, Matibi had many sons. The two main houses of Machetu and Mketi were moved into the Mberengwa district and given chieftainship bearing the hereditary name of Mketi (who was the chief of the whole tribe then). Maranda , a junior son of Matibi, was the leader of the section who remained in Mwenezi and he became their chief under that name. The chieftainship of Matibi still exists in Beitbridge district, and the clan are also descendants of the same Matibi. Chieftainship alternates between the two houses of Muchetu and Mketi.

Some of the kraals in the area include; Makomba, Gwenyama, Makala (split from Taruvinga), Rangutani, Mbayago, Taruvinga, Ndoro and Muzondiwa. In Muchetu area, some of the kraals included; Mberengwa, Msindo, Plazi, Makusha, Tshikanda, Vurayayi, Filimon, Marieka, Bveku, Gwazisayi, Butete, Mabungu and Maradze.


These are VaRemba or Vamwenye by tribe, with Zhou totem and praise name Sadiki. They use ChiKaranga as their language. They used to prefer Vamwenye as they claim that Varemba was a derogatory name by the Ndebeles. The tribe claims they originated from north-east Africa , but settled for some time in Sena, Portuguese East Africa (Mozambique). They left Sena under the leadership of Chamakova in search of new settling grounds and they finally arrived in the country of the Mambo (Rozvi) and offered him ivory in return for settling rights and friendship.  The tribe were also skilled iron smelters who forged iron holes and axes and other metallic products for which the Rozvi were quite grateful. Chamakova is said to have married the daughter of Mambo.

The name Mposi was a nickname acquired by Chamakova for his skill in throwing a spear. The name was inherited by his eldest son and it became their traditional name. Life changed for the worst by the arrival of the hostile Swazis, who killed the Mambo and Chamakova. Their first reaction was to flee back to Sena but when they reached Gokomere near Fort Victoria (Masvingo) they were advised by a relative named Chihora not to return to Sena as there was much trouble there. The tribe then fled southwards and finally took refuge with the Venda tribe in the Transvaal (South Africa). Later they received news that their uncle , Mparuri, also of the Remba tribe, had taken control of their former territory. They then went back to claim their land, Mparuri was defeated and killed near Dumbwi while his sons made off in the direction of Makonese. Mposi and his followers then re-occupied their land and have lived there ever since. Mposi claim they arrived in this area before Mabirabana and Chingoma. The Bangowa were to the east of the Mundi river. Some of the kraals included; Bopi, Taruvinga, Tasaranago, Dabula (Chief), Dambuza, Gwabangani, Majoni, Mbayago and Taru. There were also some kraals which were sort of independent and these included; Mashuro, Nangirayi, Matonga-Bushe, Mapete, Tazviona, Mupangeri, Geza and Matandu.

Boundaries – To the east is Headman/Chief Makonese on the Munde river; this boundary was initially further east, that is along the Matendera and Nyajira streams. This area was taken over by Makonese and Mposi’s people had to move west of the Munde, which became the new boundary. To the south is Chief Chingoma along the Mwezhe range of hills – there has been a lot of dispute between Mposi and Chingoma over this boundary. However, the administration fixed the boundary on the Mwezha, which appears to be fair and realistic.

Some of the headmen/vachinda (some now chiefs) under Chief Mposi include; Matongo (Mavurama), Matsiba (Bushe), Magodori (Mashuru), Chikobvu (Mapete community), Zimi (Geza), Mpangeri community, Muzeziwa (Langeni community), Matandu community and Nangirayi.


These are Vazumba by tribe, with Shoko totem and Mayedza as praise name. The chief is normally addressed as Mayedza and they refer to him as Ishe or Mambo. Vazumba are believed to have migrated from Basutoland or Swaziland (eSwatini) many generations ago, well before Mzilikazi moved north. This narrative however conflicts with his brother, Mudavanhu who trace their roots in Uzumba in Murehwa, possibly they tribe first lived in Uzumba when they arrived from Swaziland. They moved to an area called Sarima Mkuti , thought to be in Gutu district where the Zumba tribe split as a result of internal strife. The tribe was led to Shamba in the Selukwe (Shurugwi) district where they lived for a while and that’s where Ruzengwe died. After a dispute with an uncle, Madzibisa, they left Shamba under the leadership of Sikudzo (son of Mapirabana) and Mafusire (son of Ruzengwe). They settled for a while with the Bangowa of Shabani then at Chasakuwa before finally arriving in their present area.

Their younger brother, Mudavanhu, had been sent on to find a suitable place , and to obtain the necessary authority from the Mambo of the country. When they arrived they found the country unoccupied ; however, the Mposi people were on the southern side but they had left for Vendaland. Sikudzo is believed to have died at Zenda in the Bankwe area where he was following Mposi for some reasons. Matare was the first Chief Mapirabana to be recognised, he was however not of the ruling houses of Mapirabana.

Chenda moved into the area of Mapirabana and became related by marriage and he was allocated an area and is one of the senior headman/vachinda. Bvute was moved by the administration onto a portion of Chief Mapirabana’s area and is not subservient to Mapirabana. The eldest son of Mapirabana, Ruzengwe held the position of leader but his sons declined to take part in the succession as they claimed to be the magadzas, and their function was to deal with spiritual matters. Excluding this house, chieftainship alternates between the houses of Makonese, Manonose and Wadawareva. Some of the villages in the chiefdom include; Sikomba, Chigwadara, Ndaba, Gufa, Konzapi, Bushe, Bangu, Sikumba and Wani.

Boundaries – There is Mposi to the eastern side along the Chingwe river from Langeni school to Sikova dam. To the south is also chief Mposi along the Chingwe river. To the west they share boundary with Mudavanhu along the Wanezi river and to the north they bound with Chief Mposi and Headman Bvute; with Mposi from Sikova dam to Kaswiswi river to Gwezipula river and up the later to the reserve fence; with Bvute along the Biri, through Rupange dam up the stream passing Zvamagwiro hill then following on a small stream to the Chingezi.

Some of the headmen/Vachinda under Mapirabana include; Gwandiwa (VaZumba of Shoko Mayedza), Manonose (VaZumba of Shoko Mayedza). Chikopero (VaZumba of Shoko Mayedza), Tafa/Chenda (Moyo Murimigwa/Murimirwa), Mabuto/Chenda (Moyo Murimigwa) and Chizungu (Gwayi/Chuma).


These are Varozvi of Gwai Chuma totem. The area is called Chizungu but some well known areas include Marirazhombe and Shumagange. His subjects regard him as Ishe. Succession is collateral based though they claim to be progenitor. In terms of origins, the tribe does not remember coming from another area, as far as they know, they have always lived in the Mambo’s territory which stretched from there to Ntabazinduna where the Mambo once lived.

There are two other groups of Varozvi living in the same area but not of the same totem and Chidau. Chizungu claim that they were once one people, but because they wanted to inter-marry, one section changed its totem. Beads were placed on an opposite bank of an unknown river and the two sections made a bid to retrieve the beads, the successful group were then given Chuma totem. The Moyos of this area claim to be descendants of Mutinhima, a son of the Mambo, and considered to be of a senior house. They consider the Moyos of Mtubayenze to be of their people but of a junior house. The Murozvi who lived at Matabo was of the Dhlembeu family and Mtubayenzi was of that house.  Chizungu claims that he and Mtubayenzi were given their areas at the same time. Mudavanhu was the next to arrive, followed by Mapirabana; then Mahlebadza followed by Bankwe who was given his area by Mtubayenzi. The Bangowa were in this area before Mapirabasa, Mposi and others.

Boundaries – The western side is bound by Doro range of hills; to the east by Mapirabana along the Chingezi river, and with Mudavanhu along the Nhande river which flows into the Wanezi. To the south is Mahlebadza and Bankwe. Some prominent points where these boundaries cut are: Nhande river, Mwanamurefu hill, Kungwe and Rambotengwa (clump of bushes).  Some of the vachindas under Chizungu include; Wani (Baleni community of Moyo Sayi), Mbongolani (Moyo Wamareva) and Fanyana community (Gwai Chuma).


They are VaZumba of the Shoko Mayedza totem  and their area is commonly known as Chiwuwa or Mudavanhu. Some common names in the chiefdom include; Chingechuru, Rubabvu and Mavidza. The tribe is said to have come from Uzumba area in Murehwa district. The brother (Mapirabana)’s narrative however traces their origins in Basotholand/Swaziland where they could have possibly come from before arriving in Uzumba. The area became crowded so Mudavanhu broke away (he was a cousin of Mambo) and with members of the tribe moved to the area of Shamba hill in the present Shurugwi district – this was before the arrival of Ndebeles. They then moved to the current area, Chiwuwa hill in Mberengwa, then unoccupied. Mposi was in an area to the east. Mapirabana, an elder brother of Mudavanhu also followed him and settled to the north at Ngonye Hill.

Some of the communities under Mudavanhu are; Sibaro (Shoko Mayedza), Kago community (Zvonda of Shoko Mayedza), Muranda community (Musukume of Shoko Mayedza totem), Pelile (Mabidza community).


These are Kalanga by tribe from Plumtree, with Sibanda totem and praise name Hasan Katogwe. The tribe traces its origins in Plumtree where they came from before Ndebeles arrived. After leaving the Manzimnyama river, they settled for a period in the Makongaweni before finally moving to Matabo ( a large hill near the chief’s home). They migrated in this direction in order to be close to their maternal uncle, Mbavu, who was of the Rozvi clan and also a member of the royal house of Mambo.  On the death of Mbavu, his group was assimilated into the Bankwe clan as did other minor groups in the vicinity. When Bankwe arrived, he found; Mtubayenzi, Mahlebadza and Chizungu already settled in their respective areas. These tribes have always lived peacefully without notable incidences. The Ndebele do not seem to have troubled them except asking for their men into their army.

Some of the common villages include(d); Lumbi, Sonile, Ndumela, Mabona, Godi, Magumbu, Magacha, Fiti, Geti, Nyamazana, Majokwe, Ndukwana, Sivande, Dume, Sikupuri, Sikino, Mapfumo, Mushanyuki, Bafo, Mahobe, Jekiseni, Fani, Jiya, Mnxalelwa, Mawone, Kitanana, Mbobola, Sitiki, Maqabu, Madiba, Hlomane, Yakobe, Madubeko, Kenabi, Mazinyani, Yaya and Mlaka(taken over by Mushanyuki).

Some of the headmen/vachinda (some now chiefs) under Chief Bankwe include(d); Mtumayenzi (Moyo Sayi or Dewa Vhumavaranda), Mahlebadza (Gumbo Madyirapanze from Ndanga Gutu), Matanga/Bulalani (also Gumbo Madyirapanze from Ndanga, Gutu), Musinahanya community (Gumbo Mdyira of Ndanga tribe), Musinagura community (Gumbo Madyira, Ndanga tribe) and Gijimayi (Moyo, formerly Zhou Mushavi of the Remba tribe).


Headman under Chief Mazwiwa and lived just close to Shabani mine. These are VaNgowa by tribe, with Hove totem and Musaigwa as chidau. Their common language is Karanga. Their area is commonly known as Makonese or Mazwiwofa but was also called Madindiri before occupation. Their ancestor, Mazwiwofa was a brother to Mazwiwa of Shabani and these two quarrelled leading to Mazwiwofa leaving and settling in this country. They have since distanced themselves from Mazwiwa and established their own tribe and have virtually nothing to do with the brother, Mazwiwa. Mazviwofa had no dunhu of his own, he lived under Kwata and other villages include; Mayere, Mgobo, Mahachi, Bodo and Koke.

The basis of succession is collateral and it follows four main houses; Mozorodze, Maseya, Makonese and Mapembure. The eldest house of Maseya never assumed chieftainship/headmanship. Mazorodze’s house has the strongest claim, followed by Mapembure and Makonese. Makonese was the first leader to be recognised by the government who awarded him chieftainship under his name. The name Makonese barred the descendants of Maseya, Mapembure and Mazorodze from succeeding to the chieftainship as it meant inheriting the name as well. This is why the tribe has been agitating to drop the name since 1946 and replace it with Mazwiwofa and this would allow not only the other houses to rise to the throne, but also their cousins like Maroveke and Chirewamawi.

Bodo Community

They are VaNgowa of Hove totem with Kuvirimara as their chidau. Their area is commonly known as Rengwe. Bodo was a muchinda of Mazwiwofa, was selected by elders and appointed by Makonese (Magodi). Succession is collateral and they have a svikiro (spirit medium) which assists them in the selection. Musifari is the ancestor of the group, and was elder brother of Mazwiwofa and was granted settling right by the latter. The two brothers combined forces to ward off attacks by the Dumbuseya people who wanted to steal their land and they have therefore been allowed to rule themselves for many years. Some of the villages in the community include; Mbarara, Dada, Timire, Tagwireyi, Ruben, Juta, Tumbudzuku, Girazi, Pisira, Makiwa, Fayabo, Tasara, Tonora, Kohli, Tababarigwa, Magomana Bodo, Nkengana, Mapenzi Tabarigwa and Nyaku.

Kwata Community

Was muchinda under Mazwiwofa and Mazorodze is their commonly used name. They are VaNgowa by tribe, of Hove totem and Musayigwa as chidau. Their area is commonly known as Mawani. Just like Mazwiwofa who appointed them, succession is collateral, the first to assume the position was Moswa, son of  Mazorodze (eldest son of Madindiri), followed by Monde and Kwata. The area of Mawani is highly mountainous and not that big. Some of the villages in the area include;  Vuma, Kotoki, Levi Mhloro, Mudingwa, Jalimana, Mbiromo, Mabiza, Dzingirayi, Magoti, Hlahleni, Ndiga, Fayabo Dani, Daniel, Njobo, Msindo Tenda, Fayabo, Zingwe, Gwenamo, Gwabuya, Manyaya Guburiro and Homerayi.

Mgobo Community

Was muchinda under Mazwiwofa and Mgobo is their commonly used name. They are VaNgowa by tribe, of Hove totem and Musayigwa as chidau. They are also VaNgowa by tribe with Karanga as their language. Their area is commonly known as Mgobo. Just like Mazwiwofa who appointed them, succession is collateral. Mgobo was grandson of Mazwiwofa and was given this area to rule. His area is relatively smaller and some of his land was taken by Kwata. There was insufficient land in Mawane and a number of kraals had to be moved to Rusinge during centralisation in 1942. Some of Chief Mposi’s people who were living east of the Munde were moved out to make way for these people.  Some of the kraals include; Chiwenga, Mayoko, Gozho, Joni, Ndaba, Nekwana, Koti Mariba, Makiye, Macala, Ndamambi, (Felani), Matshado, Neso, Subu Nabo, Mabayago, Chinana Kanana, Makina Makeyo, Zondi, Nginginya and Togara among others. Some of the communities in Mazwiwofa area include; Mahachi (Zvirunguhwe area), Mayere (Mpandashango area),


Headman under Chief Mazwiwa and lived just close to Shabani mine. These are VaNgowa by tribe, with Hove totem and Musaigwa as chidau. Their common language is Karanga. Their area is commonly known as Mataruse. James Chijena was the first appointed headman in 1957. Chijena claimed he was named by Chief Musariri as his successor. Musariri died in 1953 and Zijena acted for him till his official appointment. James Zijena was favored by Chief Mazwiwa and the reason being that the chieftainship was not suppose to remain in one house. A couple of meeting were help to try and come to an agreement.

It is claimed that Muchembere was chief of this area before the arrival of the Europeans. He was afraid to review his identity, so he sent a cousin, Mataruse, who became the first official chief of the area. Since then, the house of Muchembere has never shared the chieftainship, they remained one of the vachindas.

Some of the villages under Mataruse include; Mbirashava (Zijena), William Mbizvo and his subdivision Masocha, Mabika, Mhloro, Mangwiro, Mahebe, Muchembere, Dubayi, Mariba and his subdivision, Masaga, Mangenge and Dickson among others.

Kraals that fall under Mbirashava community include; Msindo, Mziki, James Zijena, Butao, Birimai, Gopoza, Shamisa, Rubuki, Makala, Tachi,Tavengwa, Gwatara, Harani, Mutagati and Hofisi. Then under Mangwiro, kraals include; Mangwiro, Dayi Jubani, Huchu, Ramunyenyiwa, Mugwagwa, Zivavose, Goromondo, Msindo, Gwadambuka, Goromondo II, Mpepu, Zibegwa and Tabuya. Under Dubayi, kraals included; Njikwa, Mchado Vomo, Dubayi, Lisayi, Madambi, Tichagwa, Kwirirayi, Zvovushe, Mayere, Dzingayi, Birima, Sunda, Msindo, Dzingisayi, Muchemwa, Tsungirirayi, Chikanya and Tizirai. Under Mhloro, son of Mataruse, kraals included; Stereki, Taruvinga, Madubeko, Chekayi, Mapiriviri Mike, Bodo, Mariva, Muzondiwa, Chihota, Mhlauri, Mubayiwa, Machovha. Then under Mariba, some common kraal names are; Kuse, Dzanza, Mulingwa, Sibangwa, Tichagwa, Nzuma, Jeremiah, Mudhara, Gezani, Musebe, Mudzingwa, Hlamba, Freddy, Tayitayi (Ndaba), Ndlela Damu, Zvidza and Masaga. Under William Mbizvi, kraal heads were as follows; Munindwa, Ziyambi, Makala, Nhlangani, Hlalingo, Zwidzai, Makiye, Dzatiringana, Musiiwa, Masocha, Sikomo, Office, Nkambeni, Zivengwa, Maketo, Maidza, Gwapedza, Muganda, Mfitshani, Manye, Hopo and Gwanyanya among others. Under Machembere, you find kraals like; Zingirayi, Zvaitwa, Makwanya, Madiba, Maparicha, Chibandire, Maronga, Majoni, Madiba (2), Makala, Chinda and Taruvinga.


Headman under Chief Mazwiwa and lived just close to Shabani mine. These are VaNgowa by tribe, with Hove totem and Musaigwa as chidau. Their common languages are Shona and Ndebele. Their area is commonly known as Rupange. Bvute was the son of Mazwiwa and was given the area between Mberengwa, Filabusi and Fort Rixon. He was recognised as chief by early administration but was reduced to a headman under chief Mazwiwa in 1951. He lost his entire area to European farms when reserves were first delineated and he had to move into chief Mapirabana’s area. Some of his followers had to join chief Ngungubane because of insufficient land in Mapirabana.

Compiled by: Misheck Samanyanga

Source: Mainly National Archives S2929

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2 Replies to “Tracing Mberengwa tribes roots”

  1. Thank you so much Mr Samanyanga for your article with much information. Please can you help me establish the origin of Zhou Mthombeni. We are under Chief Mataruse and also have our kraal Birimai was established by our ancestor Mashandure. We are all of the Zhou Mthombeni clan. Please help us!

  2. Tinotenda netsanangudzo dzamatipa, Mai vangu Muremba anobva Musume ku Mberengwa, kindly describe their origins and the Zhou people as they are all related.

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